- Earl Grey gin: Add 1/4 cup of loose leaf earl grey to one 750ml bottle of gin (Tanqueray is best). Shake it a bit and let it sit at room temp for 2 hours and then strain out the tea. I did this with tea cut out of tea bags but bagged tea is a finer chop than typical loose leaf. If doing it this way, maybe 4 to 6 bags would be equivalent, even though that's less than 1/4 cup.
- Shake everything with ice for a good 10 to 15 seconds and strain into a chilled glass or serve on ice. Be sure to get a fair amount of the foam into the glass.
- Yield: 2 serving (you can make 2x in a shaker. For 1.5x to 2x use 2 egg whites)
- Note: If raw whites scare you then leave them out but the drink won't be the same. Pasteurized egg whites impart a bad smell/taste.
- Note: You must shake the egg whites to order. For a large batch, pre-mix the 1st three and then shake 6.5 oz + 1 egg white.
- Source: Modified from Audrey Saunders of The Pegu Club in NY (original would use 1 egg white per serving)
Category: Drink Modified 1/1/15